Saturday, July 30, 2011

'Arry Pottah [Translation: "Harry Potter" in an English Accent

Let me first say that I am not a crazy person or a paparazzi. Sure, if I see a "famous" person on the street I will stop and look, or even tweet about it, but I am not one to go chasing after them or to interrupt their meal when spotted at a restaurant. That being said, on Wednesday I was the most starstruck I have ever been in my entire life.

I saw How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and loved it! The cast and music were both great. And in case you have been living under a rock, Daniel Radcliffe just so happens to be the star of the show. And since you have been under that rock, I guess I should tell you that Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter. Rock or no rock, you should know who that is.

[he's only taller than me because he's on a ladder. seriously, he is itty bitty in person]

The show started and down came Daniel Radcliffe from the ceiling. Girls squealed and screamed and i thought, "how ridiculous". But then there he was, right in front of me, the boy who lived, and my jaw dropped. So of course when I overheard a security guard giving someone a tip on the best way to meet him after the show, I recruited my roommate and we decided we would just "pass by" where the guard said to wait. And that "passing by" turned into standing for over half an hour until he came out. And he was lovely and signed our playbills and let people scream and flash their bright flashes in his direction [could you imagine?]. He also just so happened to accidentally grab my hand as he reached for my playbill and apologized for it. No apology necessary, my friend. For a brief moment I honestly thought that might turn me into a wizard and scenes of me on my way to Hogwarts flashed through my mind. Alas, I am not a wizard but it was still magical.

[so maybe this was a little too much. but he was so close that we had no choice but to invade his personal space. and i needed proof that i saw harry potter]

[this is what starstruck emily looks like]

All joking aside, it was such a great show and who knew he was so talented! He can sing, he can dance, he can talk in American accent... If anyone is in New York, I definitely recommend it!

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