Wednesday, March 14, 2012

30 day blog challenge: day 13

five facts about me most people don't know

1. i secretly love hip-hop/rap music. i don’t ever buy it or listen to it around anyone but you bet that if i am in a car by myself that is what i am listening to and i know all the words.

2. if you even come close to tickling me or touching my face, i will punch you…i don’t have any control over it. 

3. i wish i liked bananas. but no matter how hard i try, i just cant do it. they’re disgusting and the texture freaks me out.

4. i am a flea market junkie and collect depression glass.

5. before i was a pr major i was set on doing sports medicine/athletic training. i even started taking the classes. 

i don't know why this one was so hard for me! i couldn't think of anything but i am sure as soon as i post this i will come up with a million. 


  1. in regards to #2: we should include neck, and wrists, more specifically, anywhere she has veins. she also has a certain facial expression to accompany this. think of i will kill you mixed with extreme fear.
    #3: it is probably due to the fact that your mom tried to get you to eat them when you are little. no one tells you what to do.
    i think the only one people may not know is #1.

  2. Do I get props for knowing 4 out of the 5?

  3. I don't know how i could have forgotten the wrists! And yes Marissa...major props!
