Saturday, March 31, 2012

30 day blog challenge: day 30

today is the last day of this blog'd think i would have seen this coming since i numbered them every day but it took my by surprise! so i leave you with #30...

a picture of something I made recently

i have wanted a book like this since i was little! i found an old book at a flea market a while back and finally just got around to carving it out today. i feel like i should have something really cool to hide in it like secret spy equipment or stacks of 100 dollar bills.


  1. I am puzzled, how did you do that? Have you been watching Shawshank Redemption ? Sooo very cool!!

  2. This is probably my favourite activity! I buy big books at D.I. all the time to hollow out.
    I miss you lots. Come visit me!

    (or you could convince my mom to let me visit you!)
