Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Long Overdue

I know, I know. I did just what I said I wouldn't by starting a blog and then abandoning it after just the first post. But in my defense, I was sick and busy! After Thanksgiving I came down with who knows what (I say it was H1N1 just to sound cool), which was not so convenient considering we jumped right into finals. Those last few weeks consisted of waking up bright and early to arrive to a campus that looked like this:

And being in the library into the wee hours of the morning only to come out at 2 a.m. and see this:

With unheard of amounts of:


But don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I secretly love the stress of finals week although I'm glad it's finally over. This note was the perfect ending to my finals week experience:

(Shame on you if you haven't read Harry Potter to know just how amazing the discovery of this note was for me)
As I walked down the testing center steps after taking my Media Law final which I was sure I failed (don't worry, I didn't though) I saw this sitting at the bottom of the staircase. I could care less if I failed after that.


  1. oh my little baby! i love you so much and am so glad to have you back with me!!! you're a gem and i love you to death!

  2. What is an O.W.L.? For the muggels and those of us that are uninformed....!
